一陽来福 Ichiyo-raifuku |
Hope to go in the good direction after the bad. |
大入御禮 Oiri-onrei |
To thank many people for their gathering. |
大入叶 Oire-kanau |
We hope that many people will gather and succeed in the event. |
家運隆盛 Kaun-ryusei |
I hope the house will prosper greatly. |
家内安全 Kanai-anzen |
I wish my family health and safety. |
学業成就 Gakugyo-joju |
We hope for the achievements and excellence of study and research. |
交通安全 Kotsu-anzen |
We wish you safety in transportation, vehicles and walking. |
七転八起 Shichiten-hakki |
No matter how many times you are defeated, get up without succumbing each time. |
商売繁昌 Shobai-hanjo |
We wish you prosperity and success in your business. |
招福開運 Shofuku-kaiun |
I wish you good luck with your good luck. |
笑門来福 Shomon-raifuku |
Happiness comes when you are laughing and having fun. |
千客万来 Senkyaku-banrai |
We hope that many customers come constantly. |
大願成就 Taigan-joju |
I hope things go as I wish and my wishes come true. |
大吉招来 Daikichi-shorai |
I hope your fortunes will be very good. |
入試合格 Nyushi-gokaku |
We hope you pass the exams. |
火の用心 Hino-yojin |
Be careful of fire sources so as not to start a fire. |
病鬼退散 Byoki-taisan |
I hope that my illness and injury will be recovered. |
満員御禮 Manin-onrei |
To thank many people for their gathering. |
無病息災 Mubyo-sokusai |
Hope you are healthy without getting sick. |
立志貫徹 Risshi-kantetu |
Persist your will to the end. |